Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another Maine McCurdy Cousin!

Last month as I was doing research on exactly what Dna testing could do to help genealogical work. I got quite excited about the prospects of tying our McCurdy Maine line in with other known McCurdy lines of the 5 borthers who left Scotland for Ireland in 1666. I decided that I could look up McCurdys through google and email a couple or so a week and tell them about the Dna testing and about family research in general. Well, to my great surprise one of the first persons I emailed happened to be from our Maine McCurdy line. His name is Philip Emerald McCurdy. His great-great grandfather Emerald McCurdy and my great-great grandfather Converse Lilly McCurdy are brothers. At times I think I need to expand my website to include other McCurdy lines in hopes to find more cousins from our Maine line, but I'm not certain just how to go about doing this yet. Finding other cousins from our line seems to be slow in coming but very rewarding. The Picture is of Emerald McCurdy.