Monday, May 10, 2010

This is a picture of my great grandmother Petra's sister
Maria de Jesus Elizondo at 18 years of age. That would have been in
1914 the same year my grandmother Martinez was born, her niece. I can see the likeness to my great grandma Petra her sister and think that their mother Candelaria Tellez must have looked a little like this picture also. Candelaria Tellez was Born in Monterrey
Mexico in Jan. of 1868 so she would have been thirty years old when my great grandmother Petra was born. We know very little about her. We know from Grandma Petra that she had died when her children were young. While researching the records of Pesqueria, we located all of her children except for Maria de Jesus. I thought that she was oldest but when we couldn't find her birth record before Grandma Petra's I started looking for
the record after the other children were born. We then came across the birth record of a Candelaria Tellez and after translating
the record we realized that she had given birth to a daughter that was likewise named Candelaria Tellez. In the record it says that she the Mother died in the moment of delivery. This date of birth of her daughter and the Death of our Mother was August 19, 1903 she would have only been 35 years old. We did find that the daughter Candelaria also passed away about a month later. I recently located the birth record of Maria de Jesus, she was born in 1896 also in Pesqueria. While reading the words of the record and with my mother translating the words to English, "that she died in the moment of delivery." In the moment of translating and knowing how she died, there has been a special bond with her my great great grandmother, Candelaria Tellez